Keyword: "purple"     1-19 of 19 images  [recent additions shown first]

The following pictures have the keyword "purple", among others. Click a thumbnail for details, and to purchase.

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Abstract photo with overlapping purple and blue translucent circles on a dark background Subdued abstract photo with overlapping blue translucent circles on a dark background Subdued abstract photo with overlapping deep purple-mauve circles Subdued abstract photo with overlapping deep orange circles Hydrangea macrophilla (Veitchii)
flows120 Hydrangea macrophilla (Veitchii) Thistle head, close up Thistle head Heather
Hydrangea macrophilla through foliage flow0407 flow0406 flow0405 flow0404
flow0403 flow0402 flow0401 Fuchsia (Autumnale)
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 Captioned images under this keyword [purple]:
 flow0218Fuchsia (Autumnale)
 flow0408Hydrangea macrophilla through foliage
 flow0410Thistle head
 flow0411Thistle head, close up
 flows105Hydrangea macrophilla (Veitchii)
 flows124Hydrangea macrophilla (Veitchii)
 back020709Subdued abstract photo with overlapping deep orange circles
 back020732Subdued abstract photo with overlapping deep purple-mauve circles
 bako020682Subdued abstract photo with overlapping blue translucent circles on a dark background
 bakp020646Abstract photo with overlapping purple and blue translucent circles on a dark background